Hands-on Tutorial

API for Indonesian ID Card Number Identification Using Flask

How to extract the information and check the validity of an Indonesian ID card number using API

7 min readJul 14, 2021


After reading this article, you will know the information behind the Indonesian ID card number and how to validate it properly as the Government policy. The API that is created using Flask will automate the extraction and validation tasks.

This article is for education only. All the data is artificial and you can not get detailed information, such as name, picture, full address, job, blood type from the number of ID cards.

Enjoy, keep reading!

What’s about the Indonesian ID card?

Indonesian ID card or in Bahasa Indonesia well-known as KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) is a single identity for residents who are over 17 years old. It is used for public services, like public health care facilities, document requirements, loan applications, presidential elections, etc.

Indonesian ID card
Indonesian ID card (Image by Author)



Data Scientist. Tech Writer. Statistics, Data Analytics, and Computer Science Enthusiast. Portfolio & social media links at http://audhiaprilliant.github.io/